Monday, February 16, 2009

RIP Stage Colony... 1987-2009

Photo: EquiSport Photos

EXCERPTED FROM OLD FRIENDS FACE BOOK - It is with a heavy heart that I post this update...for more time with Stage Colony was something that was not meant to be. According to Val's blog, he spent yesterday in the company of his Old Friends family, enjoying treats and being kind to even the smallest of visitors..When I spoke to Michael this evening after reading her post, he mentioned that later in the evening on Saturday, Kent felt he was not behaving just right and so the vet was called for. He was treated for colic and Michael stayed with him, making certain he was up and about, walking him personally. Stage then did all the postive biological things a horse is suppose to do after being treating and it looked like he was on the right road. At 4 AM, however, it was apparent that he was in grave condition and fading fast. The vet pronounced his survival on the ride to the clinic even doubtful and given the circumstances the sad decision was made.

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